Purpose: Logs daily physical activities for fitness tracking.
Prompt: What physical activities did you do today? How did they make you feel?
Category: Health & Wellness
Rating: 2 /5
Purpose: To guide individuals in self-reflection and identify their core values.
Prompt: Acting as a leadership coach, help individuals reflect on their core values. What are your core values? How do these values shape your decisions and actions? Reflect on situations where you lived according to your values and where you compromised them.
Category: Personal Development
Rating: 3 /5
Purpose: Reflects on mental clarity to boost focus and productivity.
Prompt: Did you experience mental clarity today? What helped or hindered it?
Category: Health & Wellness
Rating: 4 /5
Purpose: Helps track emotional balance throughout the day.
Prompt: What emotions did you feel today? How balanced were they?
Category: Health & Wellness
Rating: 2 /5
Purpose: To encourage individuals to recognize and break limiting beliefs.
Prompt: Acting as a personal development expert, guide individuals in identifying limiting beliefs. What limiting beliefs are holding you back from achieving your goals? Write about when these beliefs started and how you can challenge them to move forward.
Category: Personal Development
Rating: 4 /5