Prompt Listing

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Showing 91 - 95 of 1301 items.

Political Fundraising Speech

Purpose: To draft a fundraising speech for a candidate.

Prompt: Write a compelling fundraising speech for [Candidate Name] to deliver at an event. Focus on the candidate’s vision, the campaign’s financial needs, and how donor contributions will make a significant impact.

Category: Politics

Rating: 1 /5

Constituent Services Plan

Purpose: To develop a plan for providing services to constituents after election victory.

Prompt: Write a plan for [Candidate Name] on how to provide effective constituent services after winning [Insert Position]. Include strategies for handling requests, addressing concerns, and maintaining strong relationships with the community.

Category: Politics

Rating: 1 /5

Political Campaign Media Briefing

Purpose: To draft a media briefing for a political campaign.

Prompt: Write a media briefing for [Candidate Name] to provide to journalists covering the campaign. Include background on the candidate, key policy positions, and answers to common media questions.

Category: Politics

Rating: 1 /5

Campaign Legal Compliance Checklist

Purpose: To create a checklist for ensuring legal compliance during a campaign.

Prompt: Develop a legal compliance checklist for [Candidate Name]'s campaign, ensuring adherence to campaign finance laws, advertising regulations, and disclosure requirements.

Category: Politics

Rating: 1 /5

Political Attack Ad Response Strategy

Purpose: To generate a response plan for handling attack ads.

Prompt: Write a strategy for [Candidate Name] on how to effectively respond to attack ads from political opponents. Include guidelines on whether to respond directly or through third parties, and how to use media to neutralize negative narratives.

Category: Politics

Rating: 1 /5