Prompt Listing

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Showing 791 - 795 of 1356 items.

Short Passage for Main Idea and Supporting Details Analysis

Purpose: Provide a short passage that students can analyze for main ideas and supporting details.

Prompt: Acting as an instructional expert, write a short passage about [insert topic] that is appropriate for [insert grade level] students. The passage should be concise and structured in a way that allows students to identify the main idea and key supporting details. Provide prompts for the analysis, such as "What is the central message of the passage?" and "Which details support the main idea?"

Category: Education & Training

Rating: 5 /5

Text with Intentional Errors for Student Correction

Purpose: Create a text that includes intentional errors for students to identify and correct.

Prompt: As an educational specialist, create a text for [insert grade level] students that contains intentional errors related to grammar, facts, or structure. Students should be tasked with finding and correcting these errors, helping them develop critical thinking and editing skills. The text should be aligned with the current subject matter, ensuring relevance and engagement. Provide guidelines for students to explain their corrections.

Category: Education & Training

Rating: 5 /5

Practice Questions for Students Struggling with [Insert Topic]

Purpose: Generate practice questions for a student who is struggling with a specific topic or concept.

Prompt: As an expert in targeted learning support, generate a set of practice questions for [insert grade level] students struggling with [insert specific topic, concept, or skill]. These questions should progressively increase in difficulty, helping students build confidence and deepen their understanding. Provide detailed explanations for each answer to ensure students grasp key concepts.

Category: Education & Training

Rating: 5 /5

Example Essay for Analysis on [Insert Topic]

Purpose: Write an example essay for students to analyze for structure, arguments, and evidence.

Prompt: Acting as a writing coach, provide an example essay on [insert specific topic] for [insert grade level] students. The essay should be well-structured, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Include strong arguments supported by evidence, and provide instructions for students to analyze the essay’s structure, use of evidence, and clarity of arguments. Offer prompts such as "What is the thesis of the essay?" and "How does the author support their main argument?"

Category: Education & Training

Rating: 5 /5

Compare Two Example Essays for Different Reading Levels

Purpose: Provide two example essays on a specific topic for students to compare, each written at different reading levels.

Prompt: As a writing expert, provide two example essays on [insert specific topic] for [insert grade level] students to compare. One essay should be written at a [insert reading level], while the other should be written at a [insert reading level]. Ensure both essays discuss the same topic, but use different levels of vocabulary and sentence structure, allowing students to compare and contrast complexity, style, and understanding. Provide guiding questions such as "How do the writing styles differ?" and "Which essay better supports its main idea?"

Category: Education & Training

Rating: 5 /5