Prompt Listing

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Showing 71 - 75 of 1070 items.

Policy Roundtable Discussion Guide

Purpose: To generate a guide for hosting a policy roundtable discussion.

Prompt: Write a guide for [Candidate Name] to host a policy roundtable discussion with experts on [Insert Topic: Healthcare, Immigration, Education]. Include key questions, moderator tips, and strategies to engage participants.

Category: Politics

Rating: 1 /5

Campaign Volunteer Recruitment Flyer

Purpose: To create a flyer for recruiting campaign volunteers.

Prompt: Design a flyer for recruiting campaign volunteers for [Candidate Name]. Include information on how volunteers can get involved, the campaign’s mission, and why their help is critical for success.

Category: Politics

Rating: 1 /5

Public Polling Analysis Report

Purpose: To draft a report analyzing public polling data for a political candidate.

Prompt: Write an analysis report of public polling data for [Candidate Name], examining voter support by demographic, key issues that resonate, and recommendations for campaign adjustments based on the data.

Category: Politics

Rating: 1 /5

Campaign Office Setup Guide

Purpose: To generate a guide for setting up a campaign office.

Prompt: Write a guide for [Candidate Name] on how to set up a campaign office, including logistics for hiring staff, managing communications, and ensuring a smooth daily operation.

Category: Politics

Rating: 1 /5

Political Campaign Photography Guide

Purpose: To create a guide for using photography in a political campaign.

Prompt: Write a guide for [Candidate Name] on how to use photography effectively in their campaign. Include best practices for capturing campaign events, interactions with voters, and using imagery to convey authenticity.

Category: Politics

Rating: 1 /5