Prompt Listing

Items Per Page
Showing 86 - 90 of 172 items.

Teaching Ethics of Technology in the Classroom

Purpose: Guide educators in teaching the ethics of technology use.

Prompt: Write a curriculum on the ethics of technology use for high school students. Include lessons on digital privacy, the ethical implications of AI, and responsible social media use. Provide case studies for classroom debates.

Category: Education & Training

Rating: 5 /5

Building Student Confidence Through Public Speaking

Purpose: Help educators guide students in building public speaking confidence.

Prompt: Develop a public speaking workshop series that helps students build confidence in their speaking abilities. Include exercises on overcoming fear, organizing thoughts, and delivering impactful speeches to an audience.

Category: Education & Training

Rating: 5 /5

Socratic Seminars for Critical Thinking

Purpose: Assist educators in leading Socratic Seminars to develop critical thinking.

Prompt: Create a guide for leading Socratic Seminars in the classroom. Include strategies for posing open-ended questions, facilitating discussions, and encouraging students to challenge assumptions and build arguments through dialogue.

Category: Education & Training

Rating: 5 /5

Designing STEM Competitions

Purpose: Guide educators in creating STEM competitions for students.

Prompt: Write a guide on designing STEM competitions that engage students in hands-on learning. Include competition themes, project guidelines, and judging criteria that motivate students to apply STEM knowledge in creative ways.

Category: Education & Training

Rating: 5 /5

Using Debate to Teach Persuasive Writing

Purpose: Assist educators in using debate as a tool for teaching persuasive writing.

Prompt: Create a unit plan that combines debate and persuasive writing. Include debate preparation exercises, strategies for forming strong arguments, and writing assignments that reflect students’ ability to persuade and convince an audience.

Category: Education & Training

Rating: 5 /5