Purpose: Encourages reflection on setting healthy personal boundaries.
Prompt: What boundaries did you set today to protect your mental and emotional health? Were there any challenges in maintaining them?
Category: Health & Wellness
Rating: 4 /5
Purpose: Promotes positive thinking and self-confidence.
Prompt: Write down three positive affirmations for yourself. How do these affirmations impact your confidence and self-worth?
Category: Health & Wellness
Rating: 5 /5
Purpose: Encourages reflection on identifying stressors and managing them.
Prompt: What were your biggest stress triggers today? How did you manage them, and what can you do next time to improve?
Category: Health & Wellness
Rating: 5 /5
Purpose: Promotes self-assessment of overall wellness progress.
Prompt: How have you been taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health this week? What changes will you make for next week?
Category: Health & Wellness
Rating: 4 /5
Purpose: Encourages reflection on building new healthy habits.
Prompt: What new healthy habit are you trying to form? How are you tracking your progress?
Category: Health & Wellness
Rating: 5 /5